Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 1 and 2 Post-op

Day 1:

I don't remember much so I'm going on my spouse said.

On the way back home, I was craving a McDonald's Caramel Sundae really bad because it was cold and the caramel always had a way of coating my throat which hurt. I remember that. So we got one and I ate it so slow that half of it got all mushy and frothy and gross haha.

We got home and I had a spot on the couch all ready because you have to sleep sitting up for the first week. I fell asleep constantly in the middle of doing things like checking my texts, or drinking water. I was able to change my own gauze though which needed to happen about 3 times an hour. I was allowed to use a wet cloth to gently dab the crusted blood away from the outside of my nostrils.

They sent me home with plenty of precut gauze and medical tape. A word of warning about the tape as you change it, it will constantly pull at your skin and can start causing your skin to get irritated so if this already happened, use some Neosporin and a non-scented deep penetrating lotion then use some of the gauze to cover it until you can stop wearing the nose gauze. I suggest this Eucerin. I also used it on my lips which got super dry and cracking then sealed it with Carmex (my lips, not my cheeks haha).

 I have a picture of what I did with the cheek gauze to get an idea.

My lips are still a bit swollen.

I slept a few hours at a time, was dizzy when getting up to do things like going to the bathroom.

Day 2:

I was a bit more lucid though I'm still taking the pain killers every 4 hours. I've eaten soup with crackers and now changing my gauze about 2x an hour instead of 3.

My s/o hasn't seen American Horror Story but I have so we figured my recovery time would be a good opportunity since I'm still in and out of it.

I feel congested, my throat hurts because I can tell the stent tubes are in, my lips are dry and cracking, my head hurts something fierce and I feel like I really need to blow my nose but I'm not allowed. Changing the gauze has me push against my nose some and if I don't have the pain killers it hurts and makes my eyes water.

The roof of my mouth hurts including my teeth. They said this is normal, especially with the stents in and the pain should be relieved a couple weeks after the stents are removed.

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